How Hello Molly Stay Motivated

Anya Stoliar
3 min readOct 21, 2021


In order to achieve a high level of productivity, individuals need to retain a sense of motivation during the workday. So we asked our team at Hello Molly what techniques they employ in order to remain focused and be amazing at their jobs! Have a read of their answers below.

What’s your position at Hello Molly and what does that entail?

Maggie: As the PR and Creative Assistant, I spend much of my time helping our Social Media Coordinator to establish collaborations with influencers and develop on-brand content for Hello Molly’s social media platforms.

Anya: I manage our Creative team, which includes roles such as PR, Social Media, Graphics and Copywriting. I primarily work on creative brand strategy, social media marketing, reporting, photoshoots and creative content with my amazing team.

Ruby: As one of the graphic designers at Hello Molly, I contribute to the way the brands’ identity is portrayed visually. Some of my tasks include designing EDMs, social media content (even creating Tik Toks!), video graphics and photo retouching.

Retaining a sense of productivity at work is crucial, how do you manage to stay on track?

Maggie: For me, a good working environment is essential for productivity. This means limiting distractions and maintaining a clear workplace. Similarly, I work best when focusing on only one thing at a time.

Anya: I love being busy but I break up my tasks by deadline, revenue and priority to help me accomplish big and small goals. I batch tasks into groups and alternate between creative and analytical parts of my role to stay engaged and productive.

Ruby: Sometimes when deadlines start to build, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and go into a panic! But I’ve taught myself to work through this by reminding myself to take a break away from the computer. I usually refresh my creative brain by listening to a podcast on how to stay creative!

How do you stay motivated amidst challenges, what helps you get back into your groove?

Maggie: Working from home during the recent lockdown was one of the biggest challenges for me, and I struggled a lot with maintaining motivation without the office environment. What helped me the most was changing up my schedule to escape from the monotony of every day — this included a different workspace (where possible), taking regular breaks to refresh my mind and looking for new sources of entertainment every day.

Anya: By viewing challenges as an opportunity to grow. Everything in business and life is about perspective. The most satisfying part of any challenge comes with the uh-huh moment of figuring out how to put out that fire and create something better, whether it is a process, a working relationship or a piece of content. So challenges in themselves are what motivate me.

Ruby: Reminding myself of what I am trying to achieve and how far I’d like to go within my career is a huge motivator. It’s something that pushes me to wake up early each work morning. Be inspired by others and those around you!

What wise words help you get through difficult or stressful times?

Maggie: Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.

Anya: You can literally have anything you want in life, but not everything you want. So pick your battles, your friends, your environment and how you spend your time wisely.

Ruby: There will be times where you might think that you can’t achieve anything bigger than this but I think we’re all capable of growth even within our smallest of tasks at work. Also to ‘keep trying’ may sound cliche, but the end result is so true because eventually, you’ll finally achieve what you were trying so hard to attain.

What’s your favourite thing about Hello Molly?

Maggie: I’m blessed to work with an amazing team in a collaborative environment. Each day at Hello Molly is inspiring and there are always exciting things on the horizon!

Anya: Everyone I work with! I’ve never worked with such a close-knit team, I learn something new from my colleagues about business and life every day which I find very rewarding

Ruby: From my short time being at Hello Molly, I love how everyone in the office is driven by their own passions and how much energy and creativity they bring to the table. I’m delighted to work with such a bunch of warm and kind souls.

